Below are various reports and publications on the SDG interactions project providing more background information on the three research projects and their intermediate research findings. These are coordinated and written by the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis team.
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Literature Reviews
Literature Review of Relevant Frameworks
The Broker produced a literature review to provide insights into the current approaches to studying SDG interactions. The review discusses tools and approaches to systematically explore and better understand how synergies between SDGs can be realised.
Identifying empirically investigated SDG interactions
The Broker produced a literature review to provide insights into the current state of knowledge on interactions between the SDGs of focus of the three research projects. The review discusses the synergies and trade-offs among the SDGs of interest, empirically identified in existing academic literature.
Preliminary research findings
Governing Global Goals: Uniting knowledge and perspectives on the SDGs for inclusive development
For the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam
Beyond cherry-picking: aligning development actors and efforts for inclusive and effective governance of trade-offs and synergies between SDGs in East Africa
For the Governing SDG interactions in East-Africa project with Wageningen University & Research
Improving food and nutrition security by enhancing women’s empowerment
For the Improving food and nutrition security by enhancing women’s empowerment project with the University of Groningen
From climate change to conflict: Mitigation through insurance?
For the From climate change to conflict project with Utrecht University
Where are inclusive development efforts taking place, and which stakeholders are involved or excluded in policy-making and implementation processes?
For the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam
What SDG interactions have been identified, and what synergies and/or trade offs can be identified?
For the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam
What alignment mechanisms are in place domestically or internationally to strive towards policy coherence?
For the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam
General findings and reports
Co-learning event report: Advancing SDG interactions and policy interventions
The Broker produced a report that encapsulates the discussions and more elaborate insights that were generated during the co-learning event, held on November 13, 2024.
Governing Global Goals: Uniting knowledge and perspectives on the SDGs for inclusive development
For the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam
Beyond cherry-picking: aligning development actors and efforts for inclusive and effective governance of trade-offs and synergies between SDGs in East Africa
For the Governing SDG interactions in East-Africa project with Wageningen University & Research
Improving food and nutrition security by enhancing women’s empowerment
For the Improving food and nutrition security by enhancing women’s empowerment project with the Universtiy of Groningen
From climate change to conflict: Mitigation through insurance?
For the From climate change to conflict project with Utrecht University
An interview with Dr. Nicky Pouw on role of the Knowledge Brokering Team within the SDG Interaction Programme.
Dr. Pouw is the Principle investigator for the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis Project.
An interview with Dr. Dzodzi Tsikata, outlining the challenges and opportunities of the SDG framework.
Dr. Tsikata is part of the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis Project team.
MSc Theses
Enhancing Policy Coherence: The Role of Climate-Smart Agriculture in Aligning Dutch-Ugandan Efforts Towards SDGs 6, 2 and 8 Amidst Climate Change
Written by Liselore Hoeksma under the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam
Aligning Dutch International Development Policy with the SDGs: Exploring Dairy Food Systems to Achieve Food Security in Kenya
Written by Paula Vits Zambrana under the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam
Food vs. Nature? Bridging the Gap between SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 15: Life on Land in Kenya
Written by Mareike van Lagen under the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam
Navigating Policy (in-)Coherence: Dutch – Ethiopian Policy Alignment and the Quest for Sustainable Development
Written by Madeleine Lauer under the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam
Youth Advocacy in Climate Action in Naivasha, Kenya
Written by Charlotte Tijburg under the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam
The Ones Left Behind: Giving Them the Wings to Fly
Written by Julia van Stenis under the Knowledge Brokering and Synthesis project with the University of Amsterdam